This page documents symbolism and associated meaning for me, whilst some generalisations can be found across the psyche of many people, dream symbolism and interepration is a highly subjective task. What one symbol means for me may not correspond to what it means for others. The same can be said of all methods of divination. cf. Man and His Symbols (Jung) & other Jungian texts

I only list themes and symbols that have recurred and stuck with me.

My house/home

mind, psyche, me, self, safety, comfort


mind, psyche, unconscious, self, darkness, exploration, inner nature, fungus

Messaging app

loss, her, grief, redemption, friends, communication, obstacle


outside, external, others, noise, unpredictable, difficult to navigate, colony

Train / train platform

uncontrollable journey, moving forwards, underground, darkness, heat, strangers


freedom, controllable journey, smooth, excitement, moving forwards


her, anxiety, fear, shame, hiding, shadow, darkness, paranoia, loss of control, death, relapse, reversion, moving backwards, warmth, comfort, isolation, despair, blackout, memory loss

Her / Crone / Witch / YKW / P

her, shame, wisdom, guidance, knowledge, pain, seduction

Those streets